VERY Serious Cisco ASA Firewall Vuln - Patch ASAP

Cisco announced on Wednesday afternoon a very serious, newly-discovered vulnerability that affects their entire ASA firewall line. The vulnerability is triggered by specifically-crafted packets directed at the VPN service running on the firewall, specifically the IKE (Internet Key Exchange) protocol (usually running on UDP port 500). The attacker can embed commands within the exploit packets to potentially run arbitrary code on the system and gain total control of the firewall. Alternatively, exploit attempts could cause the firewall to shut down and restart.

This vulnerability, CVE-2016-1287, has a CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) rating of 10.0, the highest possibly rating. Also, SANS' Internet Storm Center states that there is significant active scanning already taking place by hackers in an effort exploit vulnerable Cisco firewalls. If you are unable to update immediately, shutting down the VPN service may prevent exploitation of this vulnerability.

Cisco has a patch available, and anyone using Cisco firewalls (estimated at over one million installed base) is advised to patch as soon as possible. Also, we recommend checking out the logs on your firewall for IKE attempts, or even filtering out IKE (UDP port 500) at your boundary routers (if they are outside the firewall) if you are not using the VPN service on your ASA firewall.


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