
Showing posts from May, 2016

CyberSecurity is a High Priority: Knowledge is Key

Organizations are taking steps to assess and improve cybersecurity knowledge among their employees. Methods include new employee orientation, continued training programs, online courses and arbitrary security audits. Strict and coordinated security policy helps an organization in data management, and makes employees clear about data sharing, and its usage. Make employee training mandatory, with follow-up tests and assessments. These are a few of the steps that would improve effectiveness. ​

Criminals are Getting Smarter: Avoid Being a Victim

Cybercrime is now such a part of everyday life that we are no longer shocked by the sophistication and staggering numbers being reported these days. It's easy to assume that you are safe from online crime if you stick to well-known websites. But that's not the case anymore. You really don't have to go to some "bad part" of the web to get infected. Cybercriminals are taking advantage of flaws in legitimate websites to spread their malevolent software. The data lost, the money stolen and the disruption caused by cybercriminals is worse than ever. Despite all this, there are things you can and should do to protect yourself whenever or however you go online. Just remember that the internet never forgets.

Facial Recognition: Will you be smiling?.......

The next time you do some online shopping or call your bank, you may find you no longer have to scuttle around to find or remember your security password. Banks and other companies are gradually turning to voice and face recognition technology as their ideal way of ensuring customers are who they say they are when they use telephone banking services. But does this kind of technology really mean that you will soon be able to just forget all of your passwords? Right now the answer is “no.” The benefits are real, perfect security and perfect convenience are difficult goals to balance – but this technology has the potential to make our digital lives a lot less frustrating. ​ ​ ​

Viking Horde Sets Sight on Android

The latest malware, Viking Horde, has set sight on Android phones and tablets. Viking Horde is taking siege of these devices by infecting apps at the Google Play store. It affects both rooted and non-rooted Android devices. The rooted devices are more vulnerable to malware, thus taking advantage of these devices by installing software that can execute code remotely. Any data on the device is then at risk and it's difficult to remove the malware since it gains root access. ​

The Implications of Encrypted Web Traffic for Security

When it comes to security, it would seem like encryption is a good thing, right? Encryption is a good tool for protecting the confidentiality of your information, but (as the trend of ransomware has shown us) it has a down side. Secrecy can work for the the good guys and the bad guys both. Securing your network requires being aware of what is going on and what communications take place, and encryption can make that difficult. Just a few years ago, encryption on the web was used primarily just for logins and for sensitive parts of session, such as payments. However, that began to change in 2010 when Google changed Gmail to use HTTPS by default. That was followed by Facebook and Google search going to HTTPS by default in 2011 (Google completed the switch in 2012), Twitter in 2012, YouTube in 2014, and Wikipedia in 2015. Netflix has announced their intention to move entirely to HTTPS, but currently most of their actual streaming is still un-encrypted. Currently, most networks see more

Small Business Becomes Big Target

Do you believe your organization has an effective and comprehensive cyber security plan? Don’t bet on it. Eight in 10 small-businesses with less than 250 workers don’t have a basic cyber-attack incident response plan, even though a majority was hit by cyber crimes. With today’s technology making information highly convenient and accessible, smart organizations are taking a big picture approach to their cyber security and preparing for a multitude of worse-case scenarios so they are able to quickly detect and mitigate a breach when it occurs. ​ Many small companies don’t think that they are a target for a cyber breach, as they feel that they do not have the sensitive information a hacker would be interested in. What they fail to realize is they have become an easy target to cyber hackers.